Introducing RasPiO®
The day has finally arrived for me to launch my first three products in the RasPiO® range. What’s RasPiO®? I hear you ask? It’s a family of add-on boards for the Raspberry Pi®. It’s pronounced “Razz-Pie-Oh” (emphasis on Pi) and is derived from the fact that the boards will mostly be I/O (input-output) boards for the Raspberry Pi.
We’re starting small and simple, and will grow in size and complexity with time. I spent most of last summer designing PCBs, but it takes a frustratingly long time to bring things to market. But that’s another story, for another day. Today I’m launching the…
Here’s a Video Explaining the Boards
What are they?
RasPiO® port labels board
A simple port labels board with large, clear labels, with GPIO numbers on one side and Alt functions on the other. It also makes an attractive key-fob.
RasPiO® Breakout
A Breakout board with large, clear labels, that breaks out each port twice, giving you the opportunity to connect either male or female wires to any port. It also allows you to detach the Pi from your project without ruining all the wiring.

RasPiO® Breakout on the Pi
RasPiO® Breakout Pro
RasPiO® Breakout pro does everything RasPiO® Breakout can do, but also has protection circuitry on every port, to help protect your Pi from wiring errors.
Further Information – Where To Buy?
For full information on any of the three products, click a link below. To buy one, click the Buy button next to it.
RasPiO® is a trademark of Alex Eames
Raspberry Pi® is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation